Original MSRP

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Mar 31, 2015
Hello everyone!

I have just inherited 2 1970's Norton Commandos and have an interesting problem I hope you can help me with.

In order to register the bikes, my small town needs the original MSRP values in order to apply the correct taxes. They do not have the proper blue/black books at the town hall and KBB and NADA do not list the original selling prices of the motorcycles. I was hoping someone on this forum with access to that information would be willing to share the numbers and source.

The specific motorcycles are:

1970 Norton Commando 750S

1972 Norton Commando 750

Thank you in advance for you time and your help!
Well, I'm not sure what they cost new, but I can tell you that in 1977 my brother traded his '69 SS Chevell with a 396 big block V-8 and Muncie 4 speed (and a really badly smashed in left rear quarter panel) for his Fireflake blue painted 1970 750S...:shock:...I know...it doesn't really help... but it happened 8)
In Nova Scotia a 1972 Roadster Combat was $1200 and change so I guess $1300 out the door .... that would be Canadian Dollars which at the time equaled $1.10 USD ... hope that helps
According to my Peterson publication Motorcycle Buyer Guides:

1970 Commando price was :
Fastback: $1449
Roadster and S Model: $1495

1972 Models:
Hi Rider: $1695
Roadster: $1784
Interstate: $1839
Production Racer: $2500

Of course this does not include Dealer Prep, Tax and Licensing which varies from dealer to dealer

I hope this is of some help,
Peter Joe
UnknownLLC said:
In order to register the bikes, my small town needs the original MSRP values in order to apply the correct taxes.

Just out of curiousity, what level of taxes are we talking about here. ?
And, curious minds and all that, how can their value 40+ years ago have anything to do with the present day ??

We hope they spend your $2-80 wisely....

Rohan said:
Just out of curiousity, what level of taxes are we talking about here. ?
And, curious minds and all that, how can their value 40+ years ago have anything to do with the present day ??

We hope they spend your $2-80 wisely....


I know, pretty ridiculous - I ended up getting clobbered for $11 each on the taxes. Go figure.

Thanks again to everyone!
My brand new 74 850 Roadster brought in June 1976 cost me $1,999 on the road from Morgan and Wachers in Brisbane, I was 17 years old and there was only 2x 74 Commandos left in Brisbane, Wackers had 1 black and gold (which I brought) and Mclouds had the the white, red and blue one, Wackers had plenty of new 75 models in stock ( but was a extra $450) as they were the Queensland major dealer for Norton at the time as well as Harley, Triumph and BMWs, will never forget that day.

Brand new 74 Norton Roadster was $2400 in Connecticut. My entire Navy 2 year extension bonus. Well Spent!
Well, it was 44 years ago, pretty close to the month now too. The frame plate on the neck says May 1971. I paid $1435 for it sight unseen on the USS Forrestal in the Mediterranean Sea. It cost me a $100 to ship US. I guess I saved about $100 for going that route, but I never considered a Norton that strongly before the salesman convinced me it was a better motorcycle than Triumph. Sage advice to a 22 year old it turned out to be.
The sailors who bought in the Pacific got to transport theirs home on board ship.
Just before I left N-V to emigrate to join Boeing, I could have bought a new '68 fastback at an employees' discount for, I think, £380. The exchange rate back then was legally fixed at $2.40 to the £. so it would've been $912. Boeing would've shipped it as part of my "household goods". A missed opportunity, since there was no way I could afford it!
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