Oregon Norton Enthusiast Club August Meeting

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Apr 15, 2009
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Oregon Norton Enthusiast Club August Meeting

Oregon Norton Enthusiast Club August Meeting

Oregon Norton Enthusiast Club August Meeting

Oregon Norton Enthusiast Club August Meeting

Oregon Norton Enthusiast Club August Meeting

Oregon Norton Enthusiast Club August Meeting

We'll even let a Ducati or Kawasaki show up!

If you can't tell, there is no fear for customizing a Norton in our club. :mrgreen: Only two of the five Nortons there were stock. There was a blue Interstate but the owner took off before I got a picture. The guy is 80 yrs old and still riding. :shock: A little wobbly taking off but he keeps going.

The owner of the Atlas has only had it for a couple weeks and has already got it tricked out.

I was suppose to lead the ride after the meeting but everyone took off without me. That might be a sign. :roll:
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