One Short Ride


Dec 22, 2006
I haven't been riding as I am my wife's principal care giver in her cancer fight. She qualified for CAR T treatment but would lose that if she didn't have a principal care giver. Motorcycle riding seemed a bit too risky as even a minor injury would put me out of commission for the job.
In spite of that, she convinced me to go for at least one short Summer ride on my favourite bike.

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Gosh Glen, Our thoughts and prayers are with you even though we are half a world away. My Dad became my Mom's primary care giver when she got Parkinson's, and now since my wife's brain tumor I'm starting to have to fill in more and begin that role as well. It's tough and my hat's off to you Bud, but I can't imagine not helping her, just as I believe you couldn't either. So... let me get this straight, your MKIII isn't your favorite bike??? :) all joking aside that special you built sure is,... well Special !! and I can see why it's your fav. I remember when you were posting your build thread on it, and I was truly amazed back then. It's still a beauty that's for sure. Cj
The road you are on is the one many of us will be on in the future one way or the other. Hat off to you and sympathy for your tribulations.
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