What Id said is if BEFORE the OIL RAN OUT , it overheated and ' siezed ' ( the cylinder nipped up ) as its just possable it was a slow leak . if it was a pin hole in the tube .
Which sounds highly unliely as he said it CAME OFF . ( bugger ) If slow the remaining oil wouldve got hotter and hotter as it deplenished . So shoulda smelt it .
MOREYS and the likes a bit of protection , but more for overheating or a lap or two on a holed sump , if the checkeured flags in sight :twisted: .
Run a engine over the mountains on new Valvolene , up the last one with no water left . Highly relieved to get to the lookout overlooking Gisbourne .
Fully laden 2.3 L Bedford ohc van . 80 miles on that oil & it was sewerage . But it HAD protected the Engine . New head & it Used No Oil .
Overheating a Austin 2L ohc on the motorway for a 1/2 hour with no water ( crawling , off & on ) Same New Oil , and it wasnt siezed .
However it cooled 1/2 hour before itd turn on the starter , and a hour before it was hand holdable . Detensioned the RINGS with the prolonged heat .
But NO actual gauling / siezeing . Just Thermal Expansin clearance closure . :lol:
Might mention it was the electric float thingo on the carb
that was the shit , despite experts whineing about everything BUt that . :x
The montegos arnt bad old cows , as far as bad old cows go .
Being British nobody maintains them , then says theyre junk if they play up . Sounds Familiar Somewhere . ??
a BIG BRIGHT 200 watt Oil Pressure WARNING LIGHT , even with a guage , is pretty hard to ignore . IF its in your Line of Sight . ! so boths better .