Yes oil ring rails typically have a big gap like you mention , thats OK, the 3 piece ring gets tension on the bore from the ring design , make sure the centre expander is butted , some V8 ring sets like sealed power have plastic blocks on the centre expander to stop the overlap , these can come off later when engine runs and make ugly marks in bore , they can be twisted off , just make sure ends butt correctly, older oil ring designs were 4 piece designs and came with a small depth gauge , for groove depth . Alot of the new forged piston / V8 ring sets for high performance stuff , actually gap the second ring bigger ,I think this is to stop pressure build up between rings and avoid ring flutter , also you may have seen a dished groove on the land between the two rings , I think this is to increase the volume and help with the same .if you you need to increase the rail end gap grind it vertically from the outside in , carefully de-burr on a stone etc . Cheers