New project bike


Jul 11, 2010
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While away last week on the Thruxton I dropped in on my wife uncle Johnny up at Gin Gin he has a asphalt business and lots of unfinish projects that he will never have time to finish, his son has asked me if I was interested in building his Shovelhead Wideglide for him and money is no problem, well what could I say, the motor and gearbox was rebuilt by the ex owner and never started and the bike is all pulled apart.
I had a good look at it and asked how he like it built so am now thinking of building it up old school style, complete fresh paint job from frame to tanks, rewiring, complete refubishment of all running gear etc.
I have never done a old Harley up before and am looking forward to this project, I just need to get the bike down to my place as Gin Gin is just under 500km away, his son said he can drop it down in a few weeks time but I might go up and get it next week as I like to get started on it as soon as possible, time and money is no problem and have a open check book with all parts needed to make this a great old school bike as Johnny is old school in what he does in his whole life and is looking at retiring in a few years, he would look good on this Harley as Johnny is rough around the edges, has missing teeth and solid build and a top bloke, I have alway got on good with him ever since I first met him and he knows I won't rip him off and he will get a great bike out of this build, I have a open time frame as well so no hurries to finish it but once I get started it will only take me a few months and hopefully will get the chance to ride it around for a few weeks before giving it back to him, well I got to make sure its done right.
Will put up pics when I get it down here and as I go with the rebuild.

I will become a full member again soon when all bills payed up, been a bit short on money since retiring and cost of living getting out of hand but will be putting pics up once I get the bike here.
More imfo on the bike its a 79 Supaglide but looking them up they had a 1200 motor but this one has a 1340 motor as half way through 79 they came out with the Fat Bob with a 1340 motor, I could be wrong so won't know for sure till I read the compliance plate.
Can't wait to get started on this project and have been cleaning and rearranging my shed and workshop area has taken me 2 days so far just need to tidy up my work benches now, looks like my Dommie project bike will have to wait a bit longer to be put back together, at lease I am getting payed to do this project.
So far it looks like the motor and gear box has been rebuilt with a few goodies put into it and the rest of the bike just needs to be put together and replace anything that needs replacing, but won't know till I start on it, the last owner pulled it all apart then got hooked on ICE and lost the plot, its a sad world we are living in these days and the ICE problem is now world wide and getting worst, and they said smoking pot was dangerous, not to sure about that.
Hopefully will have the bike here in the next two weeks, might have to put trainer wheels on it for uncle Johnny.

Well finaly got the Harley in my shed Johnny just wants me to put it all together, just clean and service anything that needs doing, the frame has been powder coated and still looks great, spent the day cleaning the wheels and brake discs has rust on them but cleaned up nicely the chrome on the rims has rust and peeling chrome but cleaned them up as good as I can and rust convertered them but they will be all good to use its not going to be a show bike and will only be ridden occasionly when he has time.
The paint job is purple with a light purple flames and will polish up good a few chips and scraches but well hidden once together, the motor had been rebuilt by the PO and has some work done to it same as the gear box, so just a good clean up for both.
Tomorrow I will service the front forks, drain oil and put new oil in, the seals are all good as well the hard chrome and fork legs will polish up easy, once the forks are off the frame will get a good clean up and steering bearings will be regreased and adjusted, steering, wheel and swing arm bearings are all good just a good clean and fresh grease will be done.
Has a 3" wide open belt drive but will make a belt cover for it to protect his foot and leg, forward controls are all good with no slop in them, the front end is a Wideglide with 21" front wheel and twin disc.
Just got to find a front guard and a single seat only things missing and re do the wiring, has points but because Johnny won't be riding it much thinking of putting a JH or Morris maggie on it so not to worry about flat battery all the time from sitting when not riding it but will see.
The exhaust pipes header and muffler x2 painted black but need repainting or get them ceramic coated but think just repaint them, depends on how loud they are as big crack down on loud Harlies here or any loud bikes.
This is going to be a good put togther bike have all bolts and nuts soaking in a drum of kero and lots of SS bolts and nuts still look new condition, the frame has been raked but not to much, the tyres are a few years old but near new and still after giving them a bit of a scruff up feel good but should be good to use but if they aren't they will be replaced.
Well thats about it for now and won't take me long to put it together, can't wait to fire it up.
