need recomendation interstate or roadster side panels

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Nov 1, 2014
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so it looks like i will be putting the basketcase up forsale to focus on the dunstall 850.

need some advice, which would be more desireable with the black interstate tank;

a) PO chrome plated the original interstate side panels, or

b) a set of black roadster panels

in either case the tank will need some paint work
Someone that is looking for an Interstate will prefer the correct side panels. Since it's a basket case repainting those two small parts will be of minimal effort. I have both an Interstate and Roadster tank for my 850 out only the Roadster side panels. The left side cover is a royal bitch to remove with the Interstate tank installed. I've never owned an actual Interstate model so I'm only assuming that the correct side panels are easier to access.
Any supplier for steel MKIII Interstate side panels?

need recomendation interstate or roadster side panels
The side covers on a basket case won't affect the price that much, so sell it as is and don't put anymore money into it.
If you can get the basket case as a runner then you will get a lot more coin for it.
Not too many will give you what you want and will low ball your price because of the unknown.
As you know Klaus, I have the early roadster side panels with an interstate tank. the early roadster side panels are elongated and touch the underside of the interstate tank. I am in the process of figuring out which other sidepanels will work better. I bought a single interstate sidepanel off ebay to use in my mock up to see what I need to do to make it work with the early oil tank. At this point, I'm wondering if late model roadster side covers would be easier to adapt than the interstate side covers. I'm still not sure what will look better and also allow easy access to the battery tray and tool storage space inside the side cover, so I'm on the same path as you... wondering which way to go...

I think Jim comstocks bike had late model roadster sidecovers with an interstate tank and the spacing looked a lot better than my early model elongated side cover combo. The bike looks good!
My questions is more about what a potential buyer would want. it sounds like i will have to get the interstate side panels painted as well as the tank which will push up the asking price.

i trial fitted my 74 roadster panels and find that the left one goes on with some fussing but the lock is way easily to engage than the interstate panel
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