MKIII Transmission

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Aug 17, 2015
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Just bought a 75', a rebuild in progress, no jugs or cylinders attached at this time. The trans was assembled on the bike when I got it. Seller has no knowledge, he just flipped the bike. While trying to manually run through the gears, neutral is all the way at the bottom/down, then 4 up. Any suggestions as to what is wrong or what to check for? I've rebuilt a few trannys in the past, Pre 75', so taking them apart and reassembly is not a problem for me. I just don't know what the problem is with the shift pattern. Cam plate? Any suggestions? Thank you in advance for your time.
+1 above.

You may want to open the gearbox just to know what layshaft bearing is on the drive side, if the bearing was made in Portugal, replace it (tons of info on this forum).
+1 above.

You may want to open the gearbox just to know what layshaft bearing is on the drive side, if the bearing was made in Portugal, replace it (tons of info on this forum).
On a MK3 the gear change is on the left and the configuration is down for 1st then up through neutral for 2nd, 3rd and 4th

You may find a couple of false neutrals on your way through the box.

If you can’t find a 1st gear at the bottom somewhere, you may find the gearchange quadrant and camplate are one tooth out of line.

Thanks G, I knew the shift pattern, neutral was at the Bottom = 4 up, not 1 down and 3 up. Took it apart, the problem was the neutral indicator switch was screwed into the gearbox shell too far, and it was interfering with the cam plate. Problem solved, good to go.
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