Just throwing this out there to see what other members here think. What are other member's thoughts on the practice of lane splitting? I'm guessing most bike guys have heard of this practice, but for those that haven't, it's when motorcylists pass traffic ahead of them by riding on the center dividing line of multiple lanes of traffic heading in the same direction. I'm not sure this is even legal (I don't see how it can be) in other countries, or here in the U.S. either, but I know it goes on. I'll relate a story where we (family) were on vacation, on a divided interstate highway with two lanes of traffic heading in either direction. The "keeping up with traffic" speed was about 75-80mph. I was passing a semi (tractor-trailor truck) in the left lane with the semi in the right lane. As I was along side the semi, I saw in my rear view mirror two motorcyclists close rapidly on me from behind, and rather than wait for me to complete the passing of the truck, they rode the center dividing line right between I and the semi and passed in between the two of us. Since I was running, as I said 75-80mph these guys had to be doing about 90mph. As anyone who has ever driven in close proximity to a semi (which is everyone) knows, the amount of air that a semi displaces at speed, and the buffeting it creates can move the nearby vehicles around. To me, this event was lunacy. It's one thing to pass cars or pickup trucks at lower speeds, but at high speed plus have one of the vehicles be a semi, well as I said, is crazy. Bad s*** happens quickly at 80mph. I know every biker that uses this practice will defend doing this somehow, but that's why most countries have multiple lane highways to allow travel at high speed and be able to pass slower traffic. Do bikers really need to resort to this? They, of course, don't "need" to. I'm guessing everyone that's ever owned a motorcyle has at some time rode at "well above the limit" speeds. But on a wide open road with no traffic is one thing, but to do so when passing traffic that's arm's length away on both sides of you seems, I'll say it again, crazy. What do others think?