Hi, i'm a new commando owner (1973 mk 5) and novice mechanic trying to acquire the skills to maintain my machine as a regular user. My current issue is with the rear isolastic and my vague understanding of the mechanics of the thing. The bike appears to have had vernier type isolastic adjusters retrofitted (collar with lots of small screw holes drilled around) - the front isolastic is good and tight and I'm running it on the assumption that it has been correctly set. The rear one developed a bit of play which could eventually be seen by waggling the back wheel side to side. On inspection the rear iso, adjusting collar with all the holes drilled around it was loose, running back and forth (by hand) on the threaded rod. The grub screw, presumably to lock the collar on to the rod, was also loose. So i slack off the big end nut on that end of the spindle / rod (at the z plate) with the bike on its wheels (weight off the centre stand/engine) and reach in to turn the collar up tight, back off a third and tighten that grub screw up as best i can with a tiny metric allen key. Note that there is about a half inch of thread visible from the outside of the collar to the inside of the frame. Tighten up the big end nut and put the bike back up on to its centre stand. To my surprise i can still turn the collar round by hand. After some trial and error i find i can get that collar good and tight by screwing it right up before locking down the big end nut but this seems to give no clearance and I'm wary of running the bike with the isolastics set too tight. Hope this makes sense, any ideas welcome