Isolastic Lubrication

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Mar 25, 2010
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I've read several threads about which lubrication to use to when installing new Isolastics (I have red rubber grease and/or tyre soap at the ready) but my main question is:

Which - if any - is the best lubrication to use on the Isolastic adjusters?

I'm installing new vernier type Iso's with PTFE washers etc., and don't know whether to use grease, oil, WD40, something else or nothing. I have several workshop manuals but they seem rather vague on the issue, so any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.
Anything that lubricates but does not affect rubber, so silicone based lubricants are one example.
Although silicone grease may not hurt the rubber, it will also not go away after assembly. These rubbers need to maintain their position once installed. What ever you end up using, it should dissipate and leave no residue. Perhaps a soap of some sorts.

goto and get free samples. Scroll down to "temporary Lubricants.
For home usage it will virtually be a life time supply.

Isolastic Lubrication
pete.v said:
Although silicone grease may not hurt the rubber, it will also not go away after assembly. These rubbers need to maintain their position once installed. What ever you end up using, it should dissipate and leave no residue. Perhaps a soap of some sorts.

goto and get free samples. Scroll down to "temporary Lubricants.
For home usage it will virtually be a life time supply.

Isolastic Lubrication

+ one with what Pete says. That's what I did (thanks to his advise) ... works a treat :)
How about dish soap and water. Old standby for installing tires. Loses lubricity when it dries.

Stephen Hill
Victoria, BC
Thanks guys. I was asking about whether the 'contact face to PTFE washer' on the iso needs lubrication - and if so what - but the other info about installing the isos is also interesting...
750RoadsterUK said:
Thanks guys. I was asking about whether the 'contact face to PTFE washer' on the iso needs lubrication - and if so what - but the other info about installing the isos is also interesting...
I would say absolutely no lube on the PTFE related surfaces of any kind. Even if booted, all that would do is attract dirt and degrade the PTFE surfaces. Clean and dry is the optimum condition for the PTFE to work.
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