I love to hate this - how about you?

Duh dudes did you skip to where-why I posted this - d/t the ugly pilot loosing Commando rear traction existing the circle. Its happened to me on Trixie Combat now and then to point I give some thought to throttle up in routine fairly slow traffic leans that i don't have to on SuVee. Its always a surprise as happens w/o a thought of too much throttle or very fast. Is this something others must watch out for in good dry traction? I love it because means our machines have good low down grunt but I hate it when un-intentional like happened to the ugly dude that only gets dates d/t his Commando, ugh like me too.

Moderator this is not about bothering you, even warned ya, its about lowish speed Commando rear torque grip issues so belong back in Commando only area. Many other leave cryptic subject lines that become long threads on Commando specifics.