I have lost a friend

Jun 30, 2012
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The bloke in t his photo was a friend to me for 52 years. He died in a car crash three days ago at Bet Bet in Victoria, Australia. He'd been out shopping with his girl, and before he went he had felt bad and did not want t o go. On the way home he was driving around a gradual bend, and simply went straight ahead across the double lines, and crashed into an oncoming car . It seems he was dead before he hit the other car. There was hardly a mark on him. His girl had minor injuries, as did the driver of the other car whose dog was killed. My friend's name was Allen Greening . I had always thought of him dying like that, but I could never imagine how he might have the accident . He was an extremely competent motorcycle road racer.

I have lost a friend
Thanks for your condolences, but at my age this stuff comes with the territory. Last year I attended the Veteran Riders Association dinner for the first t ime. I was highly amused when they read out out the names of the guys who had dropped off the perch during the previous year - mainly because my own name wasn't on the list. The message is clearly his - if you think you want to do something, do it NOW. You are a long time dead . I'm still struggling to get my Seeley out onto the bitumen again. Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda don't cut it when you are in the old age nursing home, or in the box
Message received to the Soul, Alan. Lost my 3 best friends of growing up era, first was 14 on a motorcycle. Life is surreal magical time to me now. Best way to go is quick to spare suffering of lingering on family and friends.
Sorry to hear, I lost 2 old riding friends in the last 6 months who I have been riding with for over 40 years we started riding at the age of 14, the bikes didn't get them but heart attacks, I don't think about it and hoping to be around till I'm 105 and hopefully still riding :lol:

Sorry to hear that Acotrel, my best wishes.

Strangely enough, three days ago I was up at Khancoban paying my respects to a mate who died 5 years ago on his way to the supers at PI. He'd apparently gone into a diabetic coma and was dead before the bike left the road.

I have lost a friend

His parents sprinkled his ashes near this spot, a strange bridge to nowhere in the middle of the Kosciuszko National Park, where the silly bugger used to ride up and do a burn-out on on the way through. Silly maybe, but so much fun and so full of life. It was just down the road from where he rode on. Finally closure for them. We celebrated his passing and rode hard.
I went to Allan Greening's funeral in Bendigo yesterday. His son mentioned that he found heart medication in the car after the accident, and the coroner said that Allan had an enlarged heart. A couple of months ago he had got back in contact with me and asked me to return to his son's forum, which I did. I thought it was bit unusual because we've been at odds several times before, and he would usually not contact me. I suspect his doctor might have told him that he was on the way out. He was the sort of guy who would not leave our situation unreconciled.