Help Restoring a bike.. Olllddd bike

Jul 17, 2009
Just got my hands on what i believe is a 1940+- 16H Norton.

First, i want to know if there is anyone else on here who has restored such a beautiful bike before as this one? It is one of a kind and i honestly can not wait to ride it.

I am not sure yet what might be wrong with it, what might be needed but all the help would be great!
I am in the Miami FL area and if anyone is here to lend a hand and wants to take a look at this beauty, please send me a msg.

i want to keep the bike as close as possible to original. i know that 1 part i am missing so far is the speedo. where can i get an original speedo for it?
There were more WD16Hs produced than any other type of Norton.

A couple of us on here are playing around with them - Have a look at this thread :-


Speedo is a normal Smiths 80 mph Chronometric without lighting or trip if it's a military model. You're probably going to find that you spend a lot of time on UK eBay.

If you post your engine and frame numbers and some photos, it should be quite straightforward to confirm what you've got. They don't seem to be a common bike in the US. Have you seen the WD Norton website ?
THANK !!! you helped me identify the bike very well. the engine # which i saved in a picture i took awhile back shows W38940. which is this ... 40%202.JPG

thats ext. the same bike, but the one i have is black.

I tried some searching for the speedo with no luck. I still am crossing my fingers thou when i have a chance to work on the engine that its nothing bad!

thanks again for the help.
Congrats on the buy, as you will see from 79 x 100's link i have just done the same thing so too soon for me to be able to offer useful advice - except to say we must see pics :D