Happy Christmas..Or Chanukah, or Whatever...

May 21, 2011
Country flag
Tis the season for me anyway. Happy whatever you celebrate. Knocking back a few beers, off work for a week. Thankful for this site as I get on it almost daily. I sure have learned a lot from a lot of folks here. Best wishes to all and have a great 2016.
Happy Christmas..Or Chanukah, or Whatever...

Yep, best wishes for Christmas and 2016 (and hopefully another earthquake free year).

Graeme in NZ
+1 on no quakes, my ex-co-worker emigrated to NZ a few years ago, and ended up back in the NE US (Maine I think.) His wife got homesick was part of it, but they were in a couple of your shakers. Safe and sound, but unnerving.
ashman said:
Best wishes to all, now is it to early for a beer yet (8:30am Xmas day). Ashley

The sun will be over the yardarm somewhere, it's never to early.
Christmas Cheer to all.
Well another one over, the gut is full, the beer fridge is empty, now just got the new years eve to get over, more bloody beer :lol:


Your quote was once given as a reason for the formation of the British Empire. There were Empire countries in so many parts of the world that the "sun had to be over the yardarm somewhere in the Empire" 24 hours a day!