Fork seal leaking .

Dec 28, 2009
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Mk 111
1976 . Seal leaking ( always on the brake side I hear ... )
Need instructions on the best easiest way to replace both seals . Tubes/ stanchions are good . Have new stock parts .
OR,... leave the fork tubes in place...

- put the bike in the center stand,
- remove the axle and wheel, place an upside down 5 gal bucket next to the disc brake side of the forks,
- remove the brake caliper and rest it on the bucket (put a folded piece of cardboard in the caliper where the disc would go so the shoes don't close which makes re-installation harder)
-heat the plastic skirt a bit to soften it to remove it from the seal nut with a dental pick
-remove the seal nut with a strap wrench (I pull them upward and put a spring clamp below them to suspend them up on the fork leg)
-Pull down hard on the slider and drive the bushing and seal out of their recess in the fork slider
-undo the bottom bushing circlip and slide your bushings and seal off
-Clean everything with brakeclean
-You can take some very fine 600 grit wet and dry paper and buff the fork tubes where the upper bushing and seal travel with gentle rotational sanding. You're just looking to buff off corrosion or any nicks from stone hits. You're not "sanding" the surface metal off

Reinstall all the cleaned parts in reverse order. you can put a little grease on the outside of the fork seal to help it slide into place in the slider...(I just replaced my seals and found the new seals to have much more sticktion than the one's I took out so I am using a special lubricant on them hoping they will eventually loosen up a bit as they wear. It's called slickoleum. I got it on amazon and it made a noticeable difference in friction. Dave Moss uses normal axle grease to lube the seals and he demonstrates it... in the video below

Thanks for both replies .
I'm leaning towards option 2 , seeing as the tubes are good , no nicks , scratches , wear marks to speak of . I've always been fastidious with cleaning the area after every long ride . I've never used water and soaps ever , just hand shop towels cleanings . But I'll inspect the tubes where they ride in the fork upper bushings for sure . I have new tubes , anticipating the eventual future situation .
I've got new seals ( A.N .) and new damper caps , lower and upper bushings , paper gaskets , 20W Bel Ray fork oil for the 180 c.c. per side .
I'm thinking first pull the tank , protect the instruments by wrapping both in cardboard and plastic .
If you're not in any rush you could bring it over to my place and we'll get it done easy peasy
Thanks . Yes we could do that . Soon .
I'm putting all the parts into a bag ,to strap onto the bike . East ender trip .
New Ikon Progressive Springs . New gaskets , new seals , Bel Ray 20 W. , New bushings , top and bottom , new damper tube caps . Paper gaskets . Today I have all the necessary tools ready to go as well Heat gun too , but knowing you , you have all the tools and a lift .
Thanks for helping , in advance .
My wife Alma has little faith that we can pull this off in one working afternoon . She has declared this " Summer of the Bike " , and has trips planned via O.N.O .
I know we can pull this off , motivation to show her possibly prejudging our abilities ?
Enjoy .
Thanks . Great day of front end wrenching with all new parts . Thanks again .
I have a new motor to drop in with J.S. parts . Also the new tranny with CNW hydraulic clutch . No hurry on that . Mexico this winter .