Fork damper kits

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Nov 26, 2009
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There's been a lot of talk about fork damper kits on this forum. I've adapted aftermarket kits myself and found good results. But in the end I prefer modifying the Norton forks so that they dampen just as well as the expensive stuff. I challenge anyone to install, test and compare the aftermarket kits to the inexpensive modifications shown here:

I'm talking about the dampening parts only (not the bushings). You can make all the modifications yourself and fabricate your own alum sleeves if you want to. Its not rocket science and its cheap. You can even "adjust" them by changing the fork oil wt.

I'm not knocking the aftermarket kits - I think they're great. But when it gets down to splitting hairs and making comparisons - don't overlook all the options.
Well unfortunately I'm unable to take you up on your challenge, since I'm...... How should I put it...... Um... Financially challenged at the moment. That being said, rebuilding what I already have and modifying them as shown, looks really promising. Thanks for info.
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