The Olde ' Copper coat ' = Kopperkote . etc copper graphite anti seize pressure sealing compound , stuff . from engineers supplies .
Coat Both surfaces . Really you want a few inches or more engauged . For Alignment .
The olde half round file , or Emery on a dowl ?
Youre looking for raised whelts or burrs in there . IF theres a ' SEAM ' Down One Side , internally ., its great fun :lol: removeing it with a Rat Tail File .
on / in the muffler .
A phycho coud hone the internal diameter .Or Apply Heat ( Gas Torch ) briefly . And not a lot .The Olde 100 / 120 degree max. To expand the muffler nose
NOT the header pipe .
The copper coat insures theres a possibility that you may remove them some day . :lol: Actually , leaveing the clamps off for a number of runs would help there to.As the alignment tangentally to the muffler mounts is involved . A few pencil or chalk lines may help .
Headers aligned , bike on mainstand ( level ) Spirit level ? to mark dead on the outer edge , corresponding line on muffler . For Whacking it on with a bit of
4 x 2 aft and a big heavy Thing . Gently . Always freaks me putting the load through the head fitting fitting like that .
Another 4x2 across the front low and beeer crates and props , nose on to a wall if youre anticipateing violence there .