Exhaust silencer shape

May 16, 2024
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On the 961 Commando models, what year did the end shap change from tapered to the stubby type that's now fitted to the TVS bikes?
As standard fitment, the moment that the Brummy lot re-released the 961. Seeing as their 961s are not homologated, and have to be road registered via the msva scheme, they could get away with fitting the nosier stubbies from the start. It's also a great way of "quietening the engine" for the plethora of now self proclaimed motorcycle journalists and bloggers. Donington couldn't do this, as the 961 was a homologated bike, so have to pass much tighter noise regs when compared to the tvs bikes....so their offered the same stubbies as an after sales add on.
For me, the best silencers were the open longs. Looked standard but had a nicer tone to them.
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I would agree with that about the tone and therein lies my dilemma, do I just stick with the stubbies on my 2023 Sport or try to make my standard longs straight through ( can of worms ) and then match the ECU to suit ( even bigger can of worms ) so many decisions for a simple man. :rolleyes:
I would agree with that about the tone and therein lies my dilemma, do I just stick with the stubbies on my 2023 Sport or try to make my standard longs straight through ( can of worms ) and then match the ECU to suit ( even bigger can of worms ) so many decisions for a simple man. :rolleyes:
Why not just tune the bike so it runs good ? I lke my shorties . This probably reqyires a DynoJet PC6 and a dyno tune . Or can you get a tuner to make the changes to your ECU ? I could not , so my reason for the Dynojet PC.
Why not just tune the bike so it runs good ? I lke my shorties . This probably reqyires a DynoJet PC6 and a dyno tune . Or can you get a tuner to make the changes to your ECU ? I could not , so my reason for the Dynojet PC.
The bike runs fine, no problems at all it's just the loud noisy racket it makes no tone with it whatsoever. Sounds like a home made custom exhaust knocked together by a deaf engineer or a anti social committee.🤓
The bike runs fine, no problems at all it's just the loud noisy racket it makes no tone with it whatsoever. Sounds like a home made custom exhaust knocked together by a deaf engineer or a anti social committee.🤓
I wonder if the mufflers are the same as the older bikes ? . Mine were made by Motad , and I like the sound .
As standard fitment, the moment that the Brummy lot re-released the 961. Seeing as their 961s are not homologated, and have to be road registered via the msva scheme, they could get away with fitting the nosier stubbies from the start. It's also a great way of "quietening the engine" for the plethora of now self proclaimed motorcycle journalists and bloggers. Donington couldn't do this, as the 961 was a homologated bike, so have to pass much tighter noise regs when compared to the tvs bikes....so their offered the same stubbies as an after sales add on.
For me, the best silencers with the open longs. Looked standard but had a nicer tone to them.
Completely agree Stu had them on my old 961 with decat that was a good set up.