Commando Handlebars

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Dec 26, 2013
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Have a handlebar question for the forum.

My 1974 850 CDO has bars that have a rise of ~ 4 to 5 inches and fit me like a glove - any shorter and they would be uncomfortable. I have assumed all along, rightly or wrongly, that these were the stock bars supplied with the bike.

I recently acquired a MK3 that a PO installed much higher rise bars on - maybe 10"? A friend gave me a used set of bars off his MK3 that have a rise of ~ 2" (part# 06 4132 stamped on them) to replace the high rise bars (10") on the MK3.

In light of the above my questions are the following.

1. Are the bars fit on my 1974 CDO with the 4-5" rise correct?
2. Did the MK3 use a different, lower rise (2") bar than the 1974 MK2?

Thanks in advance for any help/clarity you can bring to this subject.

4-5" rise bars on MK2 and "naked" 2" rise bars from MK3 shown on top
Commando Handlebars
My understanding of this is that home market bars, the ones sold on bikes in the UK and Europe were lower than the "Export" bars that we got over here in the US. Unless you are building a 100 point concours bike I would use what is the most comfortable to you.
WZ507 said:
Have a handlebar question for the forum.

My 1974 850 CDO has bars that have a rise of ~ 4 to 5 inches and fit me like a glove - any shorter and they would be uncomfortable. I have assumed all along, rightly or wrongly, that these were the stock bars supplied with the bike.

I recently acquired a MK3 that a PO installed much higher rise bars on - maybe 10"? A friend gave me a used set of bars off his MK3 that have a rise of ~ 2" (part# 06 4132 stamped on them) to replace the high rise bars (10") on the MK3.

In light of the above my questions are the following.

1. Are the bars fit on my 1974 CDO with the 4-5" rise correct?
2. Did the MK3 use a different, lower rise (2") bar than the 1974 MK2?

Thanks in advance for any help/clarity you can bring to this subject.

4-5" rise bars on MK2 and "naked" 2" rise bars from MK3 shown on top
Commando Handlebars

Dont let hobot see the state of that seat on the John Deere.... :oops: :oops: :oops:
by L.A.B. » Fri Oct 17, 2014 3:47 am

(062306 is the Interpol handlebar)
Thanks Les, that totally clarifies the matter.

olChris said:
Dont let hobot see the state of that seat on the John Deere.... :oops: :oops: :oops:
Yeah, with that 2nd CDO coming into the household funds are tight and the mice and the dog still have to eat. As I understand it the urethane foam used in that seat employs a soy-based polyol, thus the organic and nutritional content is relatively high. In this day and age of eating healthier and more organic, even the dog has changed his eating habits. He used to like Norton seats, but now prefers the higher organic content John Deere product.
Haha haha, can't fool ole hobot on real old JD seat pans long before china made riding lawnmowers... as found on real indian Scout modified cycles too

Commando Handlebars
Do note significant bar changes imply significant cable and hose and switch loom adapting too. Main reason I've stuck with SuVee stock bars as abhor any mechanics not forced on me.
Those bars you have in the background are looking very similar to the ones I am using. I have had them for 20 years and they came off of my Kawasaki 900.
Known as Superbike bars back in the day. I think they look great but they are a little uncomfortable in the shoulder area after awhile.
I REALLY like the way they look though. My bike is used as a secondary rider.

Commando Handlebars
MikeM said:
Known as Superbike bars back in the day. I think they look great but they are a little uncomfortable in the shoulder area after awhile.
Yep, Superbike is how I remember them being called. As for discomfort, they work great when at highway speeds, as the wind tends to counter upper body weight. We do a lot of high-speed work out here in the West...

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