Re: Combat head fin repair
I have done very similar on one of my Guzzi heads, and quite a bit worse on a few brit bikes. On the Guzzi, I realigned it with a packer between the next fin. Gouged out a groove with a burr to prep the edge and then just mig'ed it as that was all we had at work at the time.
Depending on the length of weld, do several tacks then weld between each tack and allow to cool - don't want the valve seats dropping out.
Filed it flat rather than using a grinder as that can embed muck leading to inclusions in the aluminium and make any subsequent welding a bit more difficult, should you need to fill any low spots.
If its a mid fin, it can be easier to cut the others off for access so you can get a decent bead on and then repair them back. Works fine if you have the broken bit, or an otherwise knackered head to donate the fin.
I have done it, again with a mig, just building up a bead along the broken edge and letting it completely cool. And repeat until done. Dress to shape. Can be fiddly.
This can be a good plan when you are doing foreigners, just keep it under the bench.
I'm sure tig would be neater, but we only really did heavy stuff so there were dozens of mig sets around. Anyway you would dress it either way.