Clutch body lever tool size?

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Sep 21, 2009
Our esteamed friends at Old Britts are out of there "clutch operating lever body" sockets so Im going to make one. Their web site says to use 1 1/2 " pipe. Am I correct that they mean 1 1/2" inside diameter ? I can look in the inspection cover & measure how wide the "fingers" need to be I think but still riding the bike so I can't take the cover off to measure the ring diameter well. I want to have the tool made so I can get started early tommorrow. Thanks.
I used 1 1/2" black pipe which is about 1.33" ID and 1.65 OD. It is much easier just to use a punch to knock it off and on. Mick does it that way in his rebuild DVD. I wouldn't have made the tool, but it does work. They usually look like they were put on with a punch at the factory.

Clutch body lever tool size?

Thanks Dave. I think that's what I'll do too. Going to start the work in the morning. I had ordered the Mick Hemmings video but it hasn't gotten here yet so Im going on without it. Wish me luck!
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