BSA Goldstar electric start

Not a Goldstar, a bitsa and essentially a B34 it seems. It doesn't matter. The decompressor is pulled and the engine starts driven by flywheel inertia.
The Pearson kit has some disadvantage, as it reduces the bike's ground clearance, and the starter motor is very exposed to corrosion and road grime. How well sealed is the starter's transmission?

I watched the Matchless with starter generator mentioned with interest.

- Knut
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The Goldie with the Pearson is a matching number '58 and I checked with the Goldstar Club UK. It was in bits when found. The AJS /Matchy / Norton hybrid single has a Commando mainshaft in the gearbox and Commando clutch. This extra shaft length allows a V belt pulley inside the HTD primary belt drive. The V belt may sometimes slip if moist. The Dynastart starter- generator turns to genny function at about 1200-1500 rpm and charges very well. The ugly shift is for one down to make it easier for my wife to ride. I built it for her as singles can be a trick even for "men" to start. Both start easily by decomp in, run up to speed and drop decomp.