Great stuff young man.
There is a lot to be said for this type of motor cycling, It is quite big here in S.A., we call it road trials.
For motor cycles and motor cycles with sidecars. Registered and roadworthy spec. No nobbly tires.
All sorts of terrain, mainly offroad but with short bituman sections to link up with the next property.
Unfortunately the fun has gone out of it now since the younger generation found out, and it has become
an extended Motocross.
Anything from a 4 hour event, up to the famous 24 hour. Day and night.! Twin headlights. 1x 100 wat. pencil beam. 1x 120 wat. broad beam.
Did my first 24 hour as a passenger on a 48 ES2 OutfiT, only 20 years ago.
Did my last on a specially biult TT600, 17 years ago.
Went upside down too many times.