Re: Immediate request on Maney sleeve alloy?
On a somewhat unrelated note I've recently seen some info on an abradable powder coat (APC) for pistons by Line2Line Coatings. Some info and videos are available here.
There was also a short write-up on it in last month's Engine Builder mag, a link to which is attached below ... ng-longer/
As I understand their technology (this is my interpretation not necessarily the correct interpretation) I believe a low COF abradable powder coating is applied to the piston, slightly thicker than required to achieve proper piston/bore clearance, and in use, the coating is partially consumed (abraded away by bore friction) up to the point that proper clearance is established and thereafter, sufficient coating remains to protect the piston skirt and no/minimal wear occurs thereafter. It is recommended that this wear-in protocol occur over several thermal and load cycles so the abradable coating is removed incrementally (akin to an old fashioned break-in protocol) as break-in load and temperature increase.
Thereafter the coating remains stable (I believe it is textured, but am unaware of the scale of the texture), maintains proper clearance and imparts a low COF and proper oil film thickness to the piston skirt. In this situation the piston and bore are supposedly happy, piston fit and oil film thickness are optimum, which in turn makes the rings happy and keeps friction to a minimum.
To be clear, I'm by no means an advocate of this technology, just bringing it up for the edification of the forum and airing it out as a possibility for consideration in the hobot project. In fact I'm a firm advocate that the technology is not required in applications where materials and clearances are well understood and temperature is well controlled.
That said, if my description above is correct (and that's a big "if"), it seems like APC might provide a reasonable technical approach for the hobot application, and might afford a measure of latitude not offered by any other means.
Consider the following. We're presently debating proper piston fit for this project, and if the wrong clearance is chosen the results are catastrophic. I think it's well established that Norton's run on the warm end of the air-cooled engine spectrum and therefore piston clearance must also be on the generous end of the piston fit spectrum. Hobot is not making "your father's" Norton, he is making a fire-breathing dragon that might be 2-3X the HP of a stocker, and since power is heat and vice versa, he will be making heat unlike anything normally encountered. It would therefore follow that he may likely need piston/bore clearance unlike anything normally encountered.
Bringing this back around to the APC coating, what if …… the piston and bore were sized conventionally for a clearance of 0.007". Subsequently, the piston was APC coated to reduce the piston/bore clearance to 0.0045". The engine would then be assembled with a piston/bore fit of 0.0045", with the ability to grow, via abrasion of the APC coating, an additional 0.0025", all the way to 0.007" if necessary. Or viewed another way, if conventional piston fitting resulted in seizure occurring in the range of 0.0045 to 0.0055", this approach should afford an additional 0.0015" of bore clearance, which might be the difference between
and :cry: .
Hopefully some food for thought.