Axle Stub Assembly Question

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Feb 26, 2017
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The entire rear hub (along with the rest of the bike) of a 1974 850 Commando barn find is undergoing a ground up after sitting for 37 years.

I am now in reassembly phase and have a question regarding one specific washer.
Various schematics and drawings, including the Andover diagrams as well as observations/instructions expressed on this site, show one washer, - WASHER - BRAKE PLATE PACKING (NME5276)
part-no: 06.7603 - that shows to be inserted between the stub axle and the brake hub.

My photos taken during the disassembly do not show this washer ever being in this specific position, and information is limited regarding proper placement this part. I am confused as to if it is actually inserted on the stub axle/inserted into the brake drum, or if it is period specific to a certain year of commando. The only place I have been able to find this washer being available is the AN site and I question if it is indeed the correct part as shown in the photos AN provides.
I have not been able to locate this part elsewhere and is more than a bit frustrating to have the entire assembly process shut down because of the uncertainty of one little skinny washer.

Just how much influence does .27 cent piece have on the proper set up of the rear drum? Hard to understand that it is integral, but................

Any insight, help or observations offered would really be appreciated. I am very reluctant to keep moving forward without knowing/understanding the importance of this piece but a bit frustrated with the limited information I am able to gather.

Thanks in advance guys.
Axle Stub Assembly Question

Axle Stub Assembly Question
According to the parts lists, NME5276 is listed under 'Quantity' as 'AR' = As Required.
As it isn't there, it probably isn't required.
Not sure how often they were fitted on new bikes, but I'd say 9 out of 10 bikes on the road dont have them fitted becoz if they were originally fitted they have by now been lost or misplaced. If your brake plate is not rubbing on the sprocket drum I wouldnt worry about it, And if your brake plate is rubbing on the sprocket drum it will be more than likely bent, About 8 out of 10 brake plates that pass thru my hands are bent, they can be straightened.
I had the same question about the washer as you last year when I replaced my rear wheel bearings. Like Madass said without the washer my drum drug slightly. With it all was well. A quick call to Steve at NW European Cycles and I was given rear hub 101. His take is that it should be called a shim rather than a washer since its' function is that of a spacer to correct for brake drum discrepancies.
Any insight, help or observations offered would really be appreciated

My observation is that the entire stub axle business is suspect in regard to safety and engineering concerns, and can be quickly converted to a solid axle design, already avail from Don Pender (madass140) himself. The "quick-release" feature of the stub axle is not completely lost, and the price for conversion is only a slightly less convenient reassembly. ... tid=146825
One solid axle instead of 2 pieces screwed together on a rear axle is a progressive upgrade....any feedback from those that have done so? Drawbacks? Problems unforeseen?
The project started 5 years ago, here's page 1 of the thread:
IMO, the cush-drive Commando version of Don's kit shd have an axle of 280mm OAL and the washers at least 4mm thick. Others are happy with shorter, thinner parts.
Obviously, I'm a believer in the upgrade, and pleased to have done it.
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