I'm getting ready to rebuild a set of Amals for my 850 & one for my BSA 441. A friend just got done doing two for his bike & said that he had to cut part of the top off of the stay up floats because he said they were "to tall & to bouiant" to achieve the correct fuel level & float hieght for his carbs. They are 30mm carbs bought new in 1986 & never used until now and he wanted to fit the new floats & aluminum float needles. He also said there are typo's in Amals directions, something about the float or fuel height Amal says to set at .021 but it should read .210 ??? Has anyone had this expireance? He said he has read a lot of posts saying people have had the same trouble but I couldn't find any... Also he said the guy from Coventry Spares told him there is a lot of fake Amal parts being sold that are way out of spec. His & my floats came from Old Britts so I just don't think they are fake.