69 Fastback colour

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Dec 11, 2010
Just bought 69 Fastback Nr:129902. It was imported to Finland from Nevada USA few years ago. Tank and tail piece was over painted red but under tank and tail piece threre is bronze colour wisible. Was the bronze colour available with red and green also? Was it metalflake?
Olli :?:
Have a look at this link, shows mine in green, original fibre glass finish like a surf board with what I call metal flake. Have a look around the site topic has been on before.
I think some one said the flakes are larger than if they were painted.
Ian scruff-u1004-posts-45.html
According to your s/n you have a late 68 early 69 commando probably still with the round badges, colours were british Racing green, grenadier red, silver or burgady and silver, by the look of it scruffs bike may be late 69 or 70 which would make it the model after yours.
It don´t have roud badges , so it is probably made late 68 but is 69 model. It has chrome lamp shrouds and is as per bike at 69 sales proshure. I am making full restauration and try to get colour right.
Hi Ollie, i have a 69 fastback 130xxx it still has the bagdes, if you look at the brochures there is one 69 with badges and one wihout.
Hi Al,
Thanks for info. I will stripe the respayed layer to celcoat and look it´s colour and try to match it.
Thanks for all.

69 Fastback
69 Trident
69 Rocket 3
72 Rocket 3
72 Trident
73 X75 Hurricane
74 Trident
75 Trident T150
75 Trident T160
71 Bsa Lightning
Possm You are right mine is date stamped 12/69 and with the chrome on some parts that were black like the headlight ears on the 69 model I would say mine was a 1970 release.
After striping all paint layers, I foud silver with big flakes ( mirra flakes) at bottom. Tank and tail piece was silver with flakes and sides was silver without flakes. I now try to remove all paint away and go back to gelcoat.
This is a 68 i just picked up #128xxx, warrenty frame. i still researching this bike.
Not even sure paint is proper yet, two tone I dont think was available till 70s.

69 Fastback colour
This 1969 fastback is for sale in the upcoming Mid America auction.
69 Fastback colour

All as shown at the time - it was said the 2 tone colour was to spice up sales.
Note the domed clutch cover.

I have a magazine with a pic of this model in this colour at about this time.
Factory Norton Advertising.
Can't quite lay my hands on it, but have a scan, archived away...

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