Nice weather today, if a bit blustery, decided to take the old "7" replica out for a spin, always admired the original but, by the time I could buy one, couldn't justify the price tag. Considering the guiet roads, the wind in your hair, no drivers aides and your rear being inches off the tarmac, about as real as it gets. Once back in the shed and cooling off with a beer or two, I got to thinking, 3 grandsons, crackers one and all, what will they think of my shed full of ??????? 9, 6 & 4 and they all love trials biking, posh trackers, now elec. is the thing, can see their reasoning but can't help thinking, no oil, no smell, no misfires, no charm? The '08 trials bike I bought to encourage them has the forks my late 60's one had, but a better engine etc. My 21st century Triumph, reliable but boring, suits the chair. 21st century Harley, classy but not easy to ride. Street Scrambler, needs care to keep steady and the Norton, what a lump. Best of the bunch but will it get the care and attention required? Here's hoping they'll continue to develop well, appreciate that things are better if worked at and enjoy before it's all gone.