My 1973 850 has a frame and engine serial number 303XXX
There is a 1974 for sale I might be interested with non matching numbers
The owner tells me that the numbers on the 1974 850 for sale are frame # 850F1066471, motor 20MS143830 (not matching he says)
I have not been long enough on the forum (only a year and a half) to understand how the numbers changed in 1974 and whether these
fit the year.
So if anyone can advise, I would be very grateful
There is a 1974 for sale I might be interested with non matching numbers
The owner tells me that the numbers on the 1974 850 for sale are frame # 850F1066471, motor 20MS143830 (not matching he says)
I have not been long enough on the forum (only a year and a half) to understand how the numbers changed in 1974 and whether these
fit the year.
So if anyone can advise, I would be very grateful