06-0787 disc screws are ugly

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Jul 31, 2009
But my usual sources do not have an alternative, what has anyone else found?, ideally it would be:
#6 x 1/4" self tapping, bright stainless screw, button-head.
Black Oxide finish would be all right too.

I started with a NOS hub, so the holes were pretty small to begin with, it meant I could run a tap down mine - metric I'm afraid :(

I found the choice of machine screws is better than self tappers, so went for button head allen A4 stainless.
I tap the existing holes to 3mm and use stainless Phillip head screws , the same as I use on my TZ brake panels, that is the best option as far as I'm concerned,
Unclviny said:
The solution seems to be, tap and run 3mm X 0.5 X 6mm SS button heads.


...if you like the look of stainless. I know it's wildly popular, but my eye finds it belonging on a boat. just my personal taste (usually poor :lol: ) Be very careful with those butter soft socket/button heads. They round out much easier than carbon steel.
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